Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Jericho report

From E! Online (via Yahoo):

Airing in the 9 p.m. Friday hour, Jericho averaged 4.6 million viewers, settling for a 51st-place finish in the holiday-weakened week, per the latest Nielsen Media Research rankings.

On the upside for Jericho fans, their beloved did in the summer what it couldn't do in the regular season: Beat the competition. With the show's powerhouse nemeses, Dancing with the Stars and American Idol, on vacation, Jericho took care of business against a Las Vegas rerun on NBC (72nd place, 3.6 million), a leftover episode of the Fox castoff, Standoff (89th place, 3 million) and a slightly used Kyle XY (94th place, 2.6 million), ABC's recycled ABC Family Channel summer series.

And while a win is a win is a win, Jericho was CBS' weakest link on the night. Ghost Whisperer (40th place, 5.1 million) aired before Jericho; Numb3rs (25th place, 5.9 million) aired after it—both scored more viewers.

Full story here.

First of all, you can't count on ratings on a Friday night for anything and second of all, it's summer. People will catch up on DVD if anything.

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