Thursday, March 29, 2007

The following takes place between recess and geography class...

Every season I reach a point where I think to myself "South Park has lost it." Every season, without fail. And I've been a hardcore fan of the show since I sat marveling at the series premiere during my junior year of high school. Haven't missed an episode.

I've got different feelings toward this show than other shows I watch, where I know they're crap and I keep watching, or I keep giving them chances and keep getting disappointed. I've been with this show for 10 years, and I'm personally invested in this show. I've grown up watching it.

And because of that, I have faith in Matt and Trey. The latest example is last week's "Lice Capades" episode, which had the boys in a secondary role to the lice on Clyde's head, who were fighting a battle with the end of their world. The boys' storyline was funny, the lice, not so much -- it was basically a long way to go to make an Angelina Jolie joke.

And while I still laughed at the show, I had that moment of worry -- is this it? I'll bet everyone's had this issue with their favorite show., but that worry has ceased to worry me anymore, though, because they always come back the next week with more of their genius.

They did that this week with their spoof of another popular TV show (the realization of what show they were about to trash was the biggest laugh I got) "The Snuke," which I had to pause for a good five minutes I was laughing so hard. It was clever, it took on Hillary Clinton from a number of angles, it was impeccably written, and as far as late-model South Park eps go -- flawless.

I know I'll have another moment of worry -- but I get that thought and I'm still there watching it the next Wednesday, without fail, right after Lost. Wouldn't miss it. Matt and Trey are always there for me. I may not always agree with their politics or the pop culture points they choose to make fun of, but they know how to put together a show.

I'll get that moment of worry again, and it may even be this season. But there's really nothing to worry about.

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