Thursday, March 29, 2007

What's on: Thursday

Well, after a lazy week or so, CBS is the only network with all new content tonight. (Not that you should consider ever watching Shark. I'm serious, that show is awful.)

But CSI (CBS/9 p.m.) is back after an annoyingly long hiatus. The franchise hasn't ever had such an exciting storyline (that I've seen) like the miniature killer.

If you get the Travel Channel (I don't), they're kicking off a new series: 1,000 PLACES TO SEE BEFORE YOU DIE (9 p.m.), starting with Alaska this evening.

October Road on ABC; CBS' Shark and Survivor: Fiji; 5th Grader on Fox; Andy Barker P.I. on NBC; Showbiz Show on Comedy; Penn and Teller: Bull#@$% and This American Life on Showtime; TNA Impact and Pros vs Joes on Spike; and VH1's Celebrity Eye Candy.

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