Thursday, March 8, 2007


Thankfully, the viewer looking for the musical merits of the show can enjoy Idol again this evening with the girls being back. Enough that I'm going to stick it out and watch before I go to bed (though not enough that I haven't already watched Lost and South Park).

Jordin was a significantly dissapointing opening singer, though, especially considering how great she's been the past two weeks. Impossibly wrong tune for her, though she may have caught up to herself by the end. I'm not necessarily a Sabrina fan, but wow. It took her a long time to be noticable among a ton of really talented women. Great song.

Antonella, dear, please -- if you're still around next week -- pick a bad song. Butchering Corrine Bailey Rae's music sould be a misdemeanor. For the record, I'm not going to coddle the hometown favorite anymore Jersey. Seriously. We all know she doesn't belong. It's nothing personal.

And Haley is in trouble of heading the same way. That's two performances in a row where she's just been blah. This one could hurt her in the overall picture, despite her good voice. As for Stephanie, I was hoping she'd come back from a lame performance last week, and she sure did. Of all the girls she's got the "it" thing that producers look for. I'm pretty sure the crowd's picking up on that.

But even with a middle-of-the-road performance from LaKisha, she's topped everyone else who sang before her. She may have hurt herself with that opening performance a couple of weeks ago, but I think she'll stick around long enough to prove that statement wrong.

Gina came out firing, which she needs to do. Though, I don't know if she nailed it -- her voice didn't show as well as it has. The energy was really welcome. Doesn't help she's got Melinda right after her... just like LaKisha, Melinda's performances pretty much erase everyone else before her. Not her best tune, but man she's my favorite.

Thumbs up: Melinda, LaKisha, Sabrina
OK: Gina, Stephanie
Thumbs down Haley, Antonella, Jordin

Should go: Antonella, Haley
Will go: Haley, Sabrina

Look out tomorrow (today... Thursday) for the update on who got kicked off and probably a look at the Wedding Bells premiere.

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