Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I can't get worse than country... can it?

It's that time again: Tuesday night. And you who read this and enjoy my clever American Idol commentary should count yourselves lucky that I even considered watching this terrible show tonight. My entire weekend got eaten up by work.

That I'm still watching is shock enough I suppose. But now I have to hear these karaoke stars do country? Please no.

(Please infer an automatic "this song sucks" with every performance.)

At least for my sake we get Phil out of the way early. I can tell you right now that this will be the worst performance of the night. This guy was due to leave first, not this close to the end. I don't care what the judges say. Jordin, conversely, nailed it. The song was just R&B enough for her to knock it out of the park. Tough to top.

Stupid Sanjaya comes out and brings the show right back down (and gets like twice the air time of anyone else). His personality is so very lame and he hasn't even begun singing yet. Wait, here it is, yeah he's awful. Like this show has always been and my show reviews of it have been getting over the past few weeks.

Gag, Carrie Underwood song now? LaKisha, seriously. You're lucky you can sing. Chris's voice, however, annoys the hell out of me and he's certainly not a country singer. Lame. Lame. Lame. Melinda buried everyone again, though Jordin gave her a good run. Blake, like Chris, is a fish out of water with this country crap, but he held his own.

Should go: Phil
Will go: Chris

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