Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Quicker Idol wrap

Don't even really care about my little Idol-watching project anymore. I'll finish out the season, but there's nothing really worthwhile here as far as television goes. The show is to TV what pop music is to radio/CD stores -- drivel for the lowest common denominator. (Incidentally, don't get me started on music stores right now... if only this wasn't just a TV blog).

Nice of Bono not to show up and coach like he was scheduled to do...

Chris annoys me. He was OK, but nowhere near as good as they're making him out to be from the judges' table. Melinda chose a cruddy song and still did well, I think. Blake's going to cost himself a shot if he continues to be so boring. LaKisha set the bar too high for herself early on. It's hard for her to impress anymore because it's just expected. She was just OK. I couldn't dislike Phil anymore. Jordin's not the best singer on the show, but I think she's probably my favorite. Her voice itself has the most unique tone. She should win.

Can you tell my heart is no longer in this? Blake's going home by the way.

I didn't even watch the other Idol Gives Back stuff... don't think I'm heartless please. I just really am hoping for some entertainment and not something to bring me down right now.

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