Friday, June 1, 2007

More summer schlock

No time for Starter Wife today... but...

Traveler (ABC/10 p.m. Thursday): I've given it a second chance and it's still nothing special. It's a fugitive drama based on two friends framed for a terrorist bombing at an art gallery in New York by their best friend who was working a long con on them. Now, I don't watch Prison Break, but I imagine that this show may have the same feel as the post-breakout episodes of that show. Plus, the fact that the U.S. government sent a hitman to kill the two this week (and that the hitman so easily tricked his way into their defense/escape process) just makes no sense to me at all.

Pirate Master (CBS/8 p.m. Thursday): See, I like Survivor, and, as predicted, this is a Survivor knockoff (of course, that it's by the same producers makes that OK). It's not a great one, but it's not bad, and it's the only show of the five I've reviewed in the past two days that I'll be keeping up with throughout the summer. What I don't like is the contestants' tendency to play things up and not speak normally. That could get massively annoying. Otherwise, the voting setup (three go to jury, jury votes for one of those three or the captain to go home), and the overall Survivor feel of the show are big pluses.

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