Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Best of the Lot

As if they listened to me, they got the ousting out of the way quickly. Sadly, they tossed Marty. Bad move with Kenny among the group. America, I'm tired of letting you make decisions for me. Honestly.

Another happy note: They got a real director to guest judge tonight -- Wes Craven

Glass Eye (Will): Neat little game with camera work. Like last time he, will owes a ton to the old black and white, slapstick-type silent films. I think his vision works despite what Carrie Fisher had to say.

Blood Born (Jason): What started as seemingly a drug-free America commercial... ended much better than I could have imagined. I don't like that the judges don't like him. He's a good filmmaker.

Sunshine Girl (Zach): It's hard not to feel for a little kid afraid of the dark. I'm not sure this worked as a full story like the other ones so far, but I liked it just fine.

Lost (Mateen): A bit depressing but another good movie. My only argument is some of the acting was off. But it's nothing that most big budget love stories don't stumble over either. He could be the most in trouble so far if only because of the subject matter.

The Orchard (Jessica): She didn't deserve to make it to this round as I recall. How she got Geraldo Rivera to do her film is beyond me (watch the show and you'll get the joke). As for the movie, I didn't get it at ALL.

America, watch this show. Despite Jessica's cruddy effort weighing it down, this was the best bunch of flicks yet. Don't make me come after you.

Jessica should be headed home, though I'll bet it's more likely Mateen gets the boot. Silly voters.

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