Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I have no more clever Lot headlines...

It seems to me the contest they're putting together is uneven if they're going to split the contestants into groups and hand each group different tasks (comedy this week, ... it becomes luck of the draw. Most of these people are pretty good, too, which disappoints me.

Luckily, Jessica got dumped in the pre-taped ousting -- another change due to declining ratings. I hate that the show is being so inconsistent.

Doctor in Law (Shalini): For someone with no confidence, she hit a home run! Clever idea, well executed and overall pretty strong. I wish it could have been longer and more developed, but for two minutes, she gets high marks.

Discovering the Wheels (Adam): Sort of dumb idea that came off better than it probably was. There were a few good laughs, but nothing hilarious. First time I actually recognized an actor in any of these flicks... but that's not the point.

Nerve Endings (Will): The silent film gags Will uses continue to make me laugh. He's got to be the best storyteller in the bunch. I'm worried he may fall on his face when forced to work some dialogue in, but he's still gotta be safe at this point.

Under the Gun (Hillary): I haven't liked anything she's done yet, I don't believe. She seems to slip by every week. And... oh, look... she's filmed crap again. The whole idea here was completely lame, and I don't think I noticed a laugh at all.

(Open side note to Fox: Please, please, PLEASE make Gary Marshall stop trying to be funny.)

How to Have a Girl (David): Last week went kind of rough for him. This was a million times better (and included TWO actors I know this time). The judges are dummies. I laughed more during this than any of this week's other flicks.

Die Hardly Working (Zack): Cute, kinda funny, but not as much as I expected. I think it could have gone even a little farther... maybe if he'd had more time to stretch the idea out. Anyway, I can't trash it, because I liked it a lot. Man this reminds me of my college job managing a movie theater...

I worry that David will go home, but honestly I don't think it would be absolutely terrible. Adam was cruddy, but not as cruddy as Hillary.

Darn -- I wish this show were longer. It's really getting short changed. While America's Got Talent gets two-hour jaunts every week, the show about something people actually care about (movies) is being completely ignored. (Homework: I'm looking for thoughts on why this is...)

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