Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Real crap

I don't think I can watch another reality show this summer. Someone help me out. What makes it worse is both of these are back for sequel seasons. I think it's time to forgo the TiVo for a few months and just rely on British TV. Ahhh... Life on Mars.

America's Got Talent:
Okay, so my first thought when I turned this show on is: WORST PRODUCTION VALUE EVER. It hasn't even actually started and I already don't care. I just wanted to put that out there in case I don't get through two hours of this. Back in a second.

Right. I got five minutes farther and they called Hasselhoff "one of America's greatest entertainment legends" in front of the tune from the Kill Bill trailer. Talk about blasphemy. That's like saying something nice about Gwen Stefani over a bed of Zeppelin or Hendrix. Okay, despite my disgust, I'm really going to try to watch now.

Okay, it's me again. Ten minutes later. This is no different than any search-for-the-best-whatever show. And Hasselhoff just used the word "rubbish." I'm officially done. Sorry. Call me a bad TV writer. I call me a human with a brain.

Drat, and now I've just noticed this is my 300th post. What a waste.

Hell's Kitchen: The things I watch for this blog. Seriously. Somehow, Fox figured out a way to make reality television even more ridiculous. It is not a "saga" as the announcer says. None of the contestants will "wish they were never born." I will also not "tune in next week."

I get it: He's mean. They're learning. The show's editors are clever. And everyone's acting goofy.
I watch enough TV to know what I'm getting from these two presentations, so please excuse me if I don't actually finish watching any of them. I'll pay you back, I swear.


Anonymous said...

When I read that quote about Hasselhoff being "one of America's greatest entertainment legends", I got this awesome mental image of Zombie Johnny Carson rising up from his grave to go feast on the brains of whoever was dumb enough to say that.

The Palisader said...
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