Thursday, February 22, 2007

Another reason to dislike capitalism

If you don't already own a DVR, there are a few selling points that the companies will use... but more than anything, the ability to fast-forward through commercials was the one that grabbed me. (Tape my favorite show, and watch it straight through? I'm in!)

So on odd day when I'm watching a show and also doing something else... like typing a blog... nothing irks me more than when an ad for a CD comes on.

Gone are the days that you'd hear a dong on the radio and go out to find the record (radio has taken care of that by becoming so completely useless); gone are the days where you made a tape of your favorite tune from your friend's copy and ran it into the ground... now you see a commercial during a Scrubs rerun and because they just replay the hook over and over and over and spend little time on visual production you're supposed to run out and buy the new Beck CD.

Well, I'm not buying it. And now I have "I Think I'm in Love" stuck in my head... just the hook... good job capitalism.

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