Friday, February 9, 2007

Survivor's back

And it's pretty much the same game it's always been. That doesn't bode well for the first big reality show, despite the fact that it's been renewed for its 15th and 16th competitions next year.

Exile Island is back, but their big opening gimmick this year was to force the 19 contestants to build a Taj Mahal of a campsite only to find out that the winners of the immunity challenge would get it. To be fair, they were suspicious of their task the whole time. Doesn't change the fact that half of the contestants had just worked on their new oppenents' home and now had another shelter to go build.

But it's not really evolving as a whole, and that can't be good for the show. I'll admit I haven't missed an episode since Season 2, but I'm getting tired of it myself. They need to shake it up a bit more... keep them separated completely is my suggestion. Even better, put them in the cold. Or keep EVERYONE around to be in the jury at the end. But do something to make it so different that no one can show up with a plan that would even remotely work. It has to be a different game if it's going to survive... and it's gotta keep drawing real characters.

The characters could be there this season -- you never know until about four shows in -- but the game's still the same. 'Less something big changes though, I may join the millions of others who've given up on what really was a compelling show. And you know how I hate to be part of the crowd.

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