Wednesday, February 14, 2007

No contest

Editor's note: Matt's blogging about his experience watching American Idol this season -- his first time watching the show. At the very least it's more interesting than Anna Nicole Smith.

I was extremely interested to see what would happen now that the side show is shut down and the actual contest has begun.And, honestly, as an audience member they still make it hard for you to get a good idea of the talent that's there. You're still left only knowing anything about maybe 15 of the 170 something contestants that are there.

So I'm still not invested in the show, and now it's starting to become more like every other popular reality show out there. There's more focus on making characters out of the contestants -- accentuated best by our two Shore natives Antonella Barba of Point Pleasant and Amanda Coluccio of Holmdel. Those two came of as a little ditzier than they did in the opening rounds (though, I'm sure that's to blame on production), and really made it hard for their fellow group member to move on. At least one New Jerseyan is in the top 40, though. See the Press' coverage here. Shots after the competition showed at least one of them picking on the poor lil' southern girl. I'll give it to her, though, Barba can sing. Her pal's rhythm left something to be desired though.

I had hoped the bickering with the judges was over, but I suppose not. As if it really worked in the first round, they continued to argue and one oven sent her mom out on the stage to argue. At the least, this week provides a certain amount of drama and anxiety that the opening round does not. It's much more interesting this way, I admit, but I'm still not seeking how this how is any different than any other reality show or why it has so many viewers. I need someone to explain this to me...

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