Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Whose House?

For what it's worth, I'd planned on coming in here and trouncing on House, expecting Dr. Foreman to have decided to stay and the status quo to return. Yay, happy time in Princeton-Plainsboro again. Seemingly, though, things will be nothing but different. Foreman's not coming back. House fired Chase. And Cameron sassily passes her resignation along.

I'm gonna say this is a good thing. House's character doesn't have to change. In fact, people wouldn't watch if it did.

His team, however, could change. And the need is there. The three of them have done everything they can do as far as the story goes. I mean, how long can the drag the Chase/Cameron story on? And the Foreman's-leaving plot dragged on forever.

But now they're gone, and that leaves expectations. Granted this could all change next season when they show returns and the team's back together by Christmas. Either way, the thought of House interviewing prospective candidates (again, but more extensively) and breaking in brand new team members (different types, hopefully) seems refreshing.

The show is, at it's core, just as much a procedural as CSI or Law & Order, and House can only interestingly solve cases for so long. What it has going for it isn't just the character, but the fact that that character's story is interesting. You don't get that sort of outside-the-procedure storyline on many shows -- CSI:NY tried it (that's how they they snagged Gary Sinise) and gave up when ratings slowed. But House succeeded with it from the beginning thanks to the stellar work of Hugh Laurie.

As I said, I was afraid for the show's future. Now I'm not. Even if they get the band back together later in the season... well, I'll be a little annoyed... maybe less so if the story that carries us there is strong.

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