Wednesday, May 16, 2007

More Drama, please...

Wanted to briefly touch on this week's Entourage. A lot is made about the lack of development of stories/plots and characters on that show -- and that's a good point. But I think the producers understand that, and the complete lack of conflict and character development it purposeful to put together a fun show based on the (debatable) image that celebrity life is A-OK.

So, since it's there just for fun, I can relish in yet another Drama-centric episode -- Johnny's flipping out because his show's premiering and the reviewers aren't very kind. Drama episodes are always the best (I point you to the calf implant bit from last year). What made him such a complete psycho, we'll probably never know, but isn't it great to see him flip on a TV writer only to end up running away with his tail between his legs?

I only wish my writing invoked that kind of reaction.

Anyway, it will stand as classic that he packed up and drove to the Grand Canyon to sulk about his failure (only to be redeeemed by the masses, who are great at taking a critcally panned show and making it viable). There may be some great comedy on that show, but Drama's responsible for the greatest of it.

(Side note: Can anyone tell me why both Entourage and Sopranos ended with a character screaming at the desert this week? Odd.)

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