Thursday, May 3, 2007

Several points...

The Sopranos: So Tony has a gambling problem and his Jewish friend doesn't like holding a debt over the boss's head. And meanwhile AJ loses his woman and Carmella whines about her newly-sold house. Seems like a waste of an episode to me... at least a final-season episode. Let's take all the storylines no one cares about and only kinda wrap them up. And no, I'm not only whining because there was no blood. My real issue is that David Chase was giving people their due in the preceding episodes. Here, the only one who gets his is AJ, and that's only for being a doofus, it has nothing to do with his greater moral fiber. I'll rescind if this episode turns out to be just an interlude.

24: I'm a little disappointed at the complete turn the season took two weeks ago, switching storylines completely. Not that it's not staying interesting and energetic, it just seems to me there could have been much more done with a bunch of nukes flying around the country. Anyone else noticed that Doyle changes sides every three minutes. Stupid Nurse Flowers (that's a Scrubs reference, by the way).

Jericho: So, I've mentioned it two weeks in a row in my Wednesday suggestions. I don't know if anyone actually listens to me, but if you did, you probably were pleasantly surprised the last two weeks. It's probably climbed to the heights with the strongest serials going in that time (Lost and Heroes). Since its beginnings of "How will we survive without a government or infrastructure?!"this show has completely taken off and now the citizens of this podunk Kansas town are going to war. WAR! I'm not even kidding. Jake and Hawkins pass out weapons while Stanley leads a scout team to the New Bern army's camp in badass closing scene this week. The town goes from caring about running out of fuel to marching against the next town over (led by Major Dad, of course).

House: Does Omar Epps leave a top 10 show in its third season? I don't even want to research it and ruin the answer for myself, but the smart money would be on "no." I'd see him getting his own department at Princeton-Plansboro first... and clashing with House on a different level. Don't be too surprised if he does bow out, though. Or something else equally shocking on an all new House.

Veronica Mars
: I haven't even watched it the deserialized new episode yet, but open letter to CW: Don't take my Veronica away. I'm begging. I'll watch the 7th Heaven finale and blog about it if you want.

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