Thursday, May 3, 2007

What's on: Thursday

While I'm actually here writing for a moment, any ideas on what I could be covering that would make this page more entertaining? (I realize I just opened myself up to a flood of poor jokes, that's okay I'll probably anonymously send one or two myself.) Anyway, Thursday.

So, the big deal tonight is GREY'S ANATOMY (ABC/9 p.m.). It's a two-hour special with all the potential stars (Taye Diggs, Tim Daly, Amy Brenneman) of the potential spinoff (like it's even a question anymore) potentially starring potential new mom (according to the promos) Addison. The episode, needless to say, has potential (wow, that was awful).

On NBC, you'll find your "laugh 'n' sniff" episode of MY NAME IS EARL (NBC/8 p.m.) -- a hacky promotion where you have to buy a TV Guide to get a scratch and sniff card. Still a good show, though, and they're kicking off a season-ending arc with this one. All four new NBC shows tonight (Earl, Office, Scrubs and ER) are "extended" (read: five extra minutes).

And, to show I'm a fair journalist, I'll mention the end of the amazingly awful, inexplicably successful, serially unwatchable first season of SHARK (CBS/10 p.m.).

Also new: Ugly Betty on ABC; Survivor and CSI on CBS; Fifth Grader and Trading Spouses on Fox; Smallville and Supernatural on CW; Showbiz Show on Comedy Central; Penn & Teller on Showtime; Impact and Ultimate Fighter on Spike.

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